Term Break Homework

Home Learning Activities are an important part of your child's learning.

It gives them a chance to:

Home Learning helps your child to develop study skills that they will use for the rest of their life.

These tasks also give a chance for you to get involved and help in your child’s learning.

All students have been assigned various weekly tasks from both Mathletics and Reading Eggs/Eggspress for the term break. Please remind your child to complete all assigned tasks from their classroom teacher. Set tasks are practice exercises which will give your child a chance to either apply new knowledge or revise their learnings from Term 1. Classroom teachers have also sent a booklet for the three week’s holiday.

Stay at Home School Pack

Note: All students have received special packs with some text books, pencil cases, a printed booklet and writing books. Home-Learning Packs should not be completed over the holiday break and must be started at the beginning of Term 2 if we are unable to commence school as per usual.

Here are a few tips on how to help your child in adjusting to home learning.

How you can help at home?

There are lots of ways you can help your child with their home learning. These include:

Have a happy and relaxing holiday. Stay safe!

Mrs. Amninder Malhi
Teaching and Learning Coordinator